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Photo Gallery

 Photo Gallery

AK Drillling Company head driller operating the UDR 200 D10 AQM management and geologists at the Sicera Sur Prospect in May 2009 Brochantite, copper sulfate DDH09-005, 104.8m Chalcanthite, water soluble copper sulfate DDH09-005, 102.35m Close-up leached capping with limonites DDH 61 collaring in strong phyllic alteration with view of artisanal gold camp in the background DDH-45 drilling into excellent leached capping on western end of the Main Zone looking west DDH 61 collaring in strong phyllic alteration with view of artisanal gold camp in the background Downhole view of an HQ sized diamond drill rod Field assistants filling up gas tanks to deliver to the bulldozers Foremost W750 RC rig drilling RC10-50 AZ 180 Dip -85.jpg Foremost W750 RC rig looking north at Zafranal west Geologist and Geo assistants at Zafranal cam Geologist Jhony Medrano logging core Geologist Larry James takes an azimuth reading from his trusty Brunton compass Geologist Oscar Cano and Geo Assistant Gian Franco pose with drill rig DDH-66 in the background Geotechs measuring RQD and Recoveries in the core shack Lonely cactus looking out over Los Ganchos Los ganchos diesel water pump Native copper in ZFDDH-09-07 @58m depth Panoramic view of Zafranal NW alteration zone Porphyry Cu specialist Dr. Gene Tobey with the Apoquindo accounting team Quartz veins, pyrite, molybdenite and copper oxides DDH09-005, 114.9m Structural geologists and geo assistants taking a lunch break in the field Sunset shot of drill rig DDH-56 Team AQM Copper Peru at the Zafranal exploration camp UDR 200 diamond drill rig View from camp of the eastern zone with DDH-56 in the background View of DDH-56 from the AK Drillers camp View of NW main thrust fault runnin up the creek with DDH-46 on the left Water truck filling up water resevoir which is then dispersed via gravity to the various diamond drill rigs Zafranal at dusk looking east at the Main Zone Zafranal exploration camp at night Zafranal geologist Jose Corzo analyzing a piece of drill core Zafranal Geologists interpreting AMT geophysical data in the geo office Zafranal looking south from camp Zafranal Main Zone looking west with diamond drill rig DDH-47